ファシリティ・ドッグ支援酒 純米吟醸アニーラベル720ml 1本
Please support Annie supporting children fighting against illness

Shine On Kids (NPO) is an NPO established in 2006 to support children and their families who fight childhood cancer and serious illness. Izumibashi sake brewery is supporting the activity of the facility dog "ANNIE" in agreement with this purpose.

“Facility dog” is a dog who works full-time as a member of the medical staff at a specific hospital. In addition to touch activities, they are involved in treatment with nurse handlers, such as attending to procedures such as blood collection and infusion, attending to the operating room, and assisting in rehabilitation.

2016年3月オーストラリアで生まれる。 ハワイ・マウイ島にある使役犬のトレーニングセンター(Assistance Dogs of Hawaii)を卒業し、2017年から神奈川県立こども医療センターで、子どもたちとご家族に笑顔を届けています。
【Facility dog・Annie】
Born in Australia in March 2016. After graduating from Assistive Dogs Training Center (Assistance Dogs of Hawaii) on Maui, Hawaii, from 2017 she has delivered smiles to children and their families at the Kanagawa Prefectural Children's Medical Center.
お酒を飲んで支援に協力していただけたら嬉しいです。 子供たちが病気と闘うために支えているファシリティドッグを応援してください。
お酒を買っていただくと、その売り上げの一部をまとめてシャインオンキッズに寄付させていただき、アニーの活動に役立てていただきます。 ワンちゃんが好き。アニーが可愛い!!という気持ちやお酒を飲んで、社会貢献につながるなら・・・ちょっとできそうかも。そんな気持ちでご協力いただければ嬉しいです。
団体や活動の詳しい内容はHPより。 シャインオンキッズのHPはこちら→http://sokids.org/ja/ What Izumibashi wants to talk about I would be glad if you enjoy Annie’s sake and help with the support. Please support the facility dog that supports children fighting against illness. When you buy this sake, we donate part of the money to Shine On Kids to support Annie's activities. I like dogs. Annie is cute! ! Enjoying sake is a social contribution. I would be glad if you could cooperate with such a feeling. The website of Shine On Kids is here → http://sokids.org/en/
